Living With a Random Roommate? Set the Right Apartment Rules

Living with a random roommate is an often necessary but sometimes daunting experience for those looking to share living costs in a city like Chicago. Setting the right rules and expectations upfront is essential to create a positive experience for both parties.
How to Find a Roommate in Chicago
If you’re looking to share your space with someone but don’t know where to start, the first step is determining your needs.
Decide your ideal price range, neighborhood, living arrangements, or other nonnegotiables. Ask yourself a few questions. Are you ok sharing a bathroom? Could you live with someone who works from home?
Once you have more direction, start the search process!
Consider looking within your immediate network first. See if any of your friends or family know anyone also looking for a roommate. If that doesn’t get you anywhere, your next step is finding a random roommate.
Consider checking out one of the many apps designed for that very search. Roomi, Roomster, and SpareRoom. Each allows you to set criteria and connect with others in the same boat.
Tips For Setting Rules with A Roommate
To ensure the smoothest living situation, ground rules are worth setting. For some, this conversation may feel uncomfortable, but it’ll help avoid having a more challenging conversation or experience down the road.
Most disagreements and tension between roommates stem from miscommunication or a total lack of communication. Starting with an open convo will help set you up for success.
Consider establishing the agreed-upon rules before signing a lease with someone. This will confirm you’re both on the same page and create clear expectations.
Find a neutral place to meet your potential roommate, like a coffee shop or park. Take time to both share nonnegotiables. These may be different from person to person, but consider addressing the following topics:
- Paying rent
- Splitting utilities
- Desirable noise levels
- Cleaning duties
- Pet situation
- Hosting/party terms
- Working situation
If you feel good moving forward with a person as a roommate, you may want to establish a verbal or written agreement to honor the most important terms.
Once you move in with your roommate, keep communication open and be respectful of the other person to help keep the peace.
Living with a random roommate may not be your first preference, but you may find it to be a pleasant experience if you can respect each other’s boundaries and cohabitate peacefully.
Follow the link below for more information on living with a roommate.

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